
NAVIS introduces the first Indian to work in Fukui Prefecture since the start of India's 'Specified Skilled Worker SSW' operation.
NAVIS skilled nursing personnel started working in Fukui Prefecture.
- India has 1.38 billion people, and a wealth of professionals are heading for Japan.

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NAVIS, as a National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) accredited sending Orgnization, has sent out a total of 50 Indian nurses as care workers since March 2019. The company has send out 96% of the nursing personnel from India to Japan.
In addition, based on the Specified Skilled Worker System, the company sent India's first three Specified Skilled Worker (nursing care) in October 2020. India and Japan signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation on Specified Skilled Worker on 18 January 2021, and the Specified Skilled Worker examination was held in the home country on 17 January 2022, leading to travel after taking and passing the examination in Delhi, India. They will be the first Specified Skilled Worker (SSW) personnel to travel to Japan under the SSW Direct Route.
The company started as a Japanese language training and recruitment Organization in 2002. Currently, as a human resources development company for blue-collar workers in India, it sends out personnel for nursing care, accommodation (hotels and inns) and agriculture under the technical training system (TITP) and specified skills worker (SSW). It provides a one-stop service from recruitment, Japanese language training and sending out personnel.
Group company NAVIS Corporation in Japan is a registered support organization (RSO) for specific skills worker (SSW) and will focus on sending out personnel under the specific skills system.
NAVIS will implement its own recruitment know-how and skills training for India's abundant human resources of 1.38 billion, and send them to Japan.
India is attracting attention as a major population power, and is predicted to surpass China's population and become the world's largest by 2027. Following the Indian Government's advocacy of 'Skill India', the development of human resources at the youth level is a challenge for India.
To Japan, which is short of manpower, NAVIS will provide skill development and career paths for Indian nurses by completing their Japanese language level N3 in five months, thereby solving the problems of both countries.

NAVIS approved by JITCO

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NAVIS is the only One Japanese Language Training Center in India approved by JITCO (Japan International Training Co - Operation Organisation) under TITP to send Resources to Japan

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ISO Certified Japanese Training Center

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NAVIS Nihongo Training Center Pvt Ltd has received its ISO 9001:2015 certification for Japanese Language Training.This certification confirms NAVIS focus on quality training, customer satisfaction, and the drive for continuous improvement.

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Successfully Completed Corporate batch

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Another Corporate batch successfully completes the Short term Japanese Language training , We wish them Good luck for their Bright Future. — at NAVIS Institute of Foreign Language.

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Japanese Course Available at NAVIS

Level Duration Content
JLPT N5 140 HRS Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji 110, Basic Level Grammar, Vocabulary
JLPT N4 150 HRS Kanji 200, Supplementary level Grammar, Vocabulary
JLPT N3 160 HRS Kanji 330, Higher level Expression, Vocabulary
JLPT N2 160 HRS Kanji 380, Advanced Level Expression, Grammar and Vocabulary
JLPT N1 300 HRS Kanji 1000, Expert level Expressions, Grammar
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JLPT Course Level

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N4 and N5 measure the level of understanding of basic Japanese mainly learned in class. N1and N2 measure the level of understanding of Japanese used in a broad range of scenes in actual everyday life. N3 is a bridging level between N1/N2 and N4/N5.

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